y`2024.11z Call for papers in special issue on the role of antioxidants in exercise/training in Antioxidants (IF 6.0)
y2024.9z Mr. Huang (D3)'s article on the effects of black ginger on endurance capacity published in Antioxidants
y2024.9.12z The next International Society of Exercise and Immunology (ISEI) Symposium decided at Tokyo, 2026
y2024.9z Ms. Tong (D3)fs article on the effects of polyphenol HMPA on muscle function published in IJMSiIF 4.9j
y2024.2z Dr. Ruhee (JSPS research fellow)fs article on the effects of sulforaphan on exertion published in IJMS
y2023.10z Dr. Mizokami's article on exercise-induced organ damage accepted by Exercise Immunology Review
y2023.9z Ms. Wu (D1)fs article on systematic review of flavonoids and muscle published in NutrientsiIF 5.9j
Lab alumni Dr. Sako's article on translational regulation by miRNA published in EMBO Journal (IF 11.4j
y2023.5z Ms. Onogi iD3)'s article on sulforaphane, neutrophil and anti-inflammation published in IJMSiIF 6.208j
y2023.4z Lab alumni Prof. Kawanishi's article on RNA analyses of muscle-derived exsosomes published in AJP
y2023.1z Lab alumni Drs. Ruhee and Hung were selected as JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan
y2022.12z D
r. Mizokami's article on mechanisms of exercise-induced liver damage published in MSSE (IF 6.289j
y2022.10.24-27z International Society of Exercise and Immunology (ISEI) Symposium after 3 years of COVID-19
y2022.9z Mr. Huang (D2)'s article on crosstalk of endurance energy metabolism published in Nutrients (IF 6.706)

y2022.7.5zProf Nosaka (Exercise Medicine Research Institute, Edith Cowan University) provided lecture on campus
y2022-z Systematic review on exercise and brain plasticity, basic/clinical studies in Alzheimer and stroke patients

y2022-z Recent publication on COVID-19 in the gender difference, prevention, rehabilitation and pathophysiology together with pandemic considerations for cancer, multiple sclerosis patients, and athletes
y2022.6z Listed as the 3rd of TOP 10 cited articles in Sports 2020-2021 (Our previous TOP 10 articles are herej
y2022.6z Anti-inflammatory Effects of Exercise and Training: Mechanism and Modulation in Antioxidants (IF 7.675)
Our perspective artice published in Nutrients (IF 6.706) in "Nutritional Aspects of Immunometaboism"
y2021.11z Keynote lecture on exercise and muscle damage at International Conference of Inflammation
y2021.1z Our perspective artice published in Sports "Exercuse Immunology" as an editor's choice
y2020.12z Feature paper Metallomics using hair of children/their mothers was published in Biomolecules (IF 6.064)
WASEDA's Health Study published on muscle mass evaluation and fat and cardiorespiratory fitness
y2020.9z A review on exercise, oxidative stress and antioxidant supplementation was published in Antioxidants
y2020.8z "Physical activity and nutrition guidelines to help with the fight against COVID-19" was published in JSS
y2020.8z Exercise for maintaining immunity published in International Journal of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
y2020.6z Packaging Exercise Immunology in Medical Frontiers of NHK "Strengthening Immunity Against COVID-19"
y2020.5z A review on exercise-induced internal organ damage/systemic inflammation was published in Antioxidants
y2020.5z Ms. Ruhee (D2)'s review on the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Sulforaphane was published in Antioxidants
y2020.5z Ms. Ruhee (D2)'s review on effects of organosulfur phytonutrients was published in Frontiers in Nutrition
y-2020.5z Call for papers in the Special Issue gAnti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects of Dietary Supplementation and Lifestyle Factorsh in Antioxidants (impact factor (IF) 5.014) as a Guest Editor.
yPostponedz Call for abstracts in the Methods Collections of JoVE (IF 1.184) by Dr. Sihui Ma as a Guest Editor.
y2020.3z Organ protective and anti-inflammatory effects of immune protein published in Biomedicines@(4.717).
y2020.2z Ms. Ruhee (D2)'s article on the Organ Protective Effects of Sulforaphane was published in Antioxidants.
y2019.11.8-10z Keynote speaker at the 14th International Society of Exercise and Immunology (ISEI) Symposium. Dr. Ma (research associate) and Ms. Ruhee (D2) won the Excellent Oral Presentation Awards.
y2019.11z Ms. Ruhee (D2)'s article on the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Sulforaphane was published in Antioxidants.
y2016.9z Mr.Yutaka Matsumoto (D2)'s article on Jojoba oil and lipid metabolism was published in Medicina.
y2019.6z A paper on chronic inflammation and effectiveness of exercise was published in Biomolecules (IF 4.69).
y2019.6.z Plenary lecture on "Cytokines and exercise" at the 6th International Conference on Exercise and Health.
y2019.6z Mr. Takaki Tominaga (M2)'s articke on muscle-derived IL-6 produced by macrophages following exercise and the effect of glucose ingestion was published in Nuturients (IF 4.17).
y2019.4z@Invited lecture on "Neutrophils and muscle damage"at University of Physical Education, Hungary.
y2019.1z Ms. Sihui Ma (D3)'s review article on keto-adaptation and endurance capacity was published in Sports.
y2019.1z Alumni Drs. Lee and Wada's article on microRNA was published in Scientific Reports, Nature publishing.
y2018.12z Exercise effects and mechanisms on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis was published in Physiological Reports.
y2018.12z Anti-inflammatory effects of a polyphenol on macrophages was published in Phytomedicine.
y2018.11z Ketogenic diet-induced endurance capacity, metabolic adaptation and IL-6 was published in Nutrients.
y2018.11z Prof. Radak's review article on anti-aging effect of exercise was published in Free Radic Biol Med.
y2018.10.24z An article on exercise-induced muscle damage, IL-6 and neutrophils was covered by Antioxidants.
y2018.10.2z Taheebo polyphenol-induced endurance capacity was published in Scientific Reports, Nature publishing.
y2018.9.20z Ketogenic diet-induced metabolism and fatigue recovery was published in Nutrients (IF=4.196).
y-2018.8z Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Exercise and Inflammation" in Antioxidants iSpecial Issue's Flyer).
y2018.6.30z Presentation of Ms. Sihui Ma was awarded in the 5th International Conference on Exercise and Health.
y2018.6.29z Plenary lecture was provided in the above International Conference (Guangzhou Sport University).
y2018.6z An international cooperative study with the South China Agricultural University was covered by Nutrients.
y2018.5z Ms. Sihui Ma's article on ketogenic diet-induced endurane capacity was published in Nutrients (IF=4.196).
y2018.4.z An article on post-exercise ingestion of carbohydrate and inflammation/muscle damage was published.
y2018.3.z An article on post-exercise ingestion of electrolyte fluid and retinal blood flow recovery was published.
y2018.1z Perspective article on cytokine response to exercise and the modulation was published in Antioxidants.
y2017.12z Exercise-induced neutrophil activation was published in J Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutic Discovery.
y2017.12z An article on anti-inflammatory effects of taheebo polyphenol was published in Frontiers in Nutrition.
y2017.12-z Ms. Qingyi Huang, a master student from South China Agricultural University stayed as research intern.
y2017.11z An international cooperative study joined as the external PhD instruction was accepted by Nutrients.
y2017.7z A new biomarker of exercise-induced muscle damage was discovered in urine by proteomics (PLOS ONE).
y2017.7z Presidential Symposium was held in the 13th ISEI Congress in Portugal thanks to the organizer/sponsors.
y2017.4z An anti-inflammatory substance effective on sepsis was published in Scientific Reports, Nature publishing.
y2017.3z QS World University Ranking reported our faculty as the 19th and domestic top in sports-related field.
y2016.12z Dr. Peake's article published in J. Physiol. (Lond) was feasured on ABC TV and online in the BBC.
y2016.12z A new review article on heat stroke and systemic inflammation was published in Biology and Medicine.
y2016.12z Inflammatory response to exercise in relation to menstrual cycle was assessed as a series of our studies.
y2016.9z Accepted a PhD student, Ms. Ma, through the Chinese governmental scholarship (CSC).
y2016.9z Journal of Physiology and Psychiatry Research have accepted the original papers for publication.
y2016.9z Editor-in-Chief of the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (MSSE) introduced our research.
y2016.7.11z Invited lecturer "Cytokine response to exercise" at University of Physical Education, Hungary.
y2016.3z Translational regulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory responses of macrophages was explored by NGS.
y2016.2z One of the mechanisms of exercise-induced protein synthesis was discovered by genome-wide analyses.
y2015.12z One of the mechanisms of exercise-induced muscle damage was further characterized by our studies.
y2015.11z One of@the functional foods targeting neutrophil oxidative burst was assessed by our techniques.
y2015.11.6z Selected as a speaker of the International Colloquium of Exercise Immunology (Daejeon, Korea).
y2015.7z Selected as the President of the International Society of Exercise and Immunology (ISEI).
y2015.2z Drs. Jonathan Peake and Kaoru Sugama's articles were published in Exercise Immunology Review (EIR).
y2014.3z PhD students Ms. Kazue Kanda and Mr. Hiroaki Sako's articles were published in EIR.
y2013.12z PhD student Mr. Hiroaki Sako won the European Molecular Biology OrganizationiEMBOjTravel Fellowship held in Singapore.
y2013.9z Selected as a President Elect (2013-2015) of the International Society of Exercise Immunology. Staying as an Adjunct Professor (2013-2014) of the School of Biomedical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology.
y2013.6z ASMeW Researcher Dr. Kaoru Sugama and PhD student Ms. Kazue Kanda's articles were published in EIR.
y2012.4z ASMeW Researcher Dr. Mitsuharu Okutsu won the American Physiological Society Postdoctoral Award.
y2012.4z JSPS Researcher Dr. Noriaki Kawanishi's article was published in Brain, Behavior, and ImmunityiBBIj.
y2011.11z Alumnus Mr. Shogo Wada's article was published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC).
y2011.7z PhD student, Noriaki Kawanishi got the travel grant for the International Society of Excercise Immunology.
y2010.11z Selected as a keynote speaker of the 2010 International Conference of Korean Society of Exercise Physiology..
y2009.9z PhD student, Noriaki Kawanishi won the young investigator award of the International Society of Excercise Immunology.